Student loan cost estimator

Estimate how much you will pay towards your student loan over the course of the 30 year term.


Calculated Values

Your calculated contributions and interest will be shown below.

Repayment duration
Written off
Total repaid

Better to overpay your student loan?

Use the Moneyed app to build a custom financial plan to meet all your life goals and understand if overpaying is the right choice for you
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This calculator assumes a RPI value of 2.4% and that your salary and any overpayments will rise at a rate of 3.4% per year (RPI + 1%), that the thresholds and repayment terms rise at the RPI rate, that you will work continuously without break for the duration of the repayments, that you start repaying (or overpaying) at graduation (if you graduate this year or in the future) - it is more likely you start the following April. The repayment terms and amounts can be understood via this calculator .

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