Mortgage Affordability Calculator

You can use this simple calculator to estimate how much you could borrow towards a house purchase.

Add the incomes together of all the people buying the house
Add the expenses together of all the people buying the house

Estimated value

The estimated maximum amount you can borrow will be shown below,

Mortgage size

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The maximum you can borrow will depend on the lender and your circumstances. To ensure you can afford the mortgage, this calculator takes into account how much disposable income you have after expenses. The affordable maximum amount you can borrow is either:
  • 4.5 times your annual income after tax and NI at a 5% interest rate; or
  • A smaller multiplier of your annual income after tax and NI that gives a monthly repayment amount equal to your disposable income.
A 5% interest rate is used as lenders typically stress test at their current rate plus 3%. 2% is the current average in mid 2020. Read more .

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